The Nevada Judicial Historical Society (NVJHS) is a non-profit 501(3)(c) organization founded in 1988. The society is dedicated to the preservation and better understanding of the history of Nevada's judiciary and bar. The society is governed by a board of 15 trustees who serve three year terms; officers are elected from within the board. There are no restrictions on board membership, except that there must be a representative of the Supreme Court, a district court and a justice court. The bylaws require an annual meeting of the membership, but the board meets two to three times a year to monitor projects and all members are invited to attend.
Terry Rankin, Chair
Jeff Kintop, Vice-Chair
Ann Walsh Long, Secretary
Karen Garaventa Baggett, Treasurer
Patricia Cafferata
Justice Kristina Pickering
Hon. Robert Johnston
Hon. William Maddox
Hon. Thomas Perkins
James Smith
Hon. Gloria Sturman