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Nevada Judicial Historical Society

NVJHS is dedicated to the preservation and better understanding of the history of Nevada's judiciary and bar.


The Nevada Judicial Historical Society (NVJHS) is a non-profit 501(3)(c) organization founded in 1988. The society is dedicated to the preservation and better understanding of the history of Nevada's judiciary and bar. The society is governed by a board of 15 trustees who serve three year terms; officers are elected from within the board. There are no restrictions on board membership, except that there must be a representative of the Supreme Court, a district court and a justice court. The bylaws require an annual meeting of the membership, but the board meets two to three times a year to monitor projects and all members are invited to attend.

Board of Trustees & Officers


Terry Rankin, Chair

Jeff Kintop, Vice-Chair

Ann Walsh Long, Secretary

Karen Garaventa Baggett, Treasurer 


Patricia Cafferata 
Justice Kristina Pickering 
Hon. Robert Johnston 
Hon. William Maddox 
Hon. Thomas Perkins
James Smith 
Hon. Gloria Sturman

NVJHS Nevada Lawyer Articles

  • Susan Southwick, Carson City Mint Presses Judicial Medallions, Nev. Law., December 2006, at 13.
  • Susan Southwick, The Nevada Supreme Court: Ten Great Cases 1865-1937, Nev. Law., March 1998, at 22.
  • Heidi Parry Stern, Nevada History Through Its Case Law, Nev. Law., May 2010, at 46.

History of the Nevada Judiciary Articles

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This information is provided as a courtesy only. The law library shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for direct, indirect, special or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing of this material. The law librarians are not members of the Nevada State Bar and nothing on this site should be considered as legal advice.